Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I am so grateful to be able to live somewhere where there's mountains, honestly I don't know what I would do without them.

A << all of my major life decisions are either made in the shower, on a horse, or on a climb

 B << They're so darn pretty

 C << you can't beat the view

D << you can get away from BYU...

I checked the weather forecast on my phone, and it said it wasn't going to snow until 1 PM.  that gives me 3 hours to make a climb.

One of my favorite spots is Rock Canyon, it's really close by, and it seems like there's always something new to climb to or explore.

So we bouldered up to squaw peak, at least I think that's what it was called.  You know, the one they pushed young "squaws" off for a sacrifice?  Maybe that's just a legend, but it seems legit.

Yeah.... see that tippee top peak up there ------------->

We climbed that.

I have such a stud of a climbing companion too... not only does this boy chase cows... he rock climbs too.

Best of all? we got back as soon as it started snowing hard.

 This bush that cowboys standing next to? it's called pickleweed.
at least I think so... I didn't do so hot on my last plant ID quiz.


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