Friday, February 15, 2013

Love Day mishaps.

Frankly I don't like the traditional... guy picks you up with a dozen roses he payed $50 for, takes you out to dinner and you wait FOREVER.  So I (I guess we) are starting the tradition where we do our own thing, not the commercialized valentines day deal.

This year, I'm on valentines day duty.

Last year, I got to help my lovely Kemari with her Anniversary/Valentines day.  She had everything set out for me to build a fort.  I just had to build it, set out some strawberries, and light some candles before her and her hubby got home.  This is what it looked like....

Cute right? 
So I was thinking of building something like that except outside with a campfire.  That, along with a bunch of blankets, some chocolate strawberries, homemade cobbler in a dutch oven, sparkling cider and tin-foil dinners would make for a very romantic evening right?  

So I got my two little bro's in on the deal, and they helped me haul stuff up the mountain.  It was only about half a mile up, but with a bunch of wood and a dutch oven, that's one long hike.  

I'm usually a rockstar when it comes to building fires.  and I had some good kindling too.  This was going to be easy.  I pulled out my lighter and tried to start a fire.  And no matter what I did that stupid fire would. not. start.  There was one point where I got it going but my kindling wouldn't catch fire, it just smoked.... Heck. I even burned off the tip of my thumb-nail off from running that lighter so much. Needless to say, an hour later we gave up and headed back to the truck.  
My brothers went home, and I waited for Kyle to show up,  he showed up with some pretty yellow roses.  He's so sweet!  And he looked all handsome just getting back from the temple.  
So I almost cried and told him my idea wasn't going to work... he thought we could go back up and try.   I was so frustrated that I didn't want to. 

 So we went back to his house and cooked our tin foil dinners in the oven.  An hour later we went to get our dinners out of the oven and realized the wrong oven was on. (the Stephens have 2 ovens stacked on top of each other, and I'd turned the wrong one on... genius)  we didn't eat until after 10.  whatever.  But, I was so over it at this point I didn't even care. 

We ate the chocolate strawberries in the truck on our way to Palmyra. 

We split the sparkling cider between us and his brothers.

I honestly don't know what happened to the cobbler, I think his brother cooked it. 

We got to watch one of my fave movies, Secondhand Lions, and I got to cuddle with my man.  So, it turned out to be a good evening.  Plus, I figure we've got a bunch of Valentines Days to come, so we'll try again next year.  and... I guess it doesn't matter.  We love each other every day anyway. 


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